From potty training horror stories to widely-quoted potty philosophies, it’s enough to overwhelm any parent. Let’s separate the fact from fiction and flush out some top myths about potty training.
Potty Training Myth 1: You Can Decide When to Start Potty Training Your Child
Most experts overwhelmingly agree that parents should start potty training when toddlers show signs of potty training readiness. There’s no set age, although most kids demonstrate physical and cognitive readiness signs sometime between 18-30 months. Let your child set the pace.
Potty Training Myth 2: You Can Potty Train Your Child in a Weekend (or 1 Day, or 1 Week)
Some parents report success with these boot camp style potty training programs, however, expecting a child to master such a big life transition in such a short time is a lot to ask. The added pressure of putting a strict time limit on completing potty training will most likely only cause more stress for you and your child. Most experts say that it takes kids about 3-6 months to truly get the hang of it.
Potty Training Myth 3: Potty Training Boys is Harder than Girls
Each child is born with a different personality and will hit developmental milestones at different times. Gender is not a guarantee or predictor of potty training success for your child
Potty Training Myth 4: Training Pants Are All the Same
Actually, they aren’t. For training pants to work, they must be easy for kids to pull down fast and allow kids to experience the sensation of wetness when they go in them. That wetness teaches body awareness. So training pants that are basically pull-on diapers may be more convenient, but they’re less effective than fabric, feel-wet training pants.
Bottom line: Don’t believe everything you hear and read about potty training. Take cues from your child to help you set the pace and develop a training strategy that works for both of you.