It's Wednesday! Let's celebrate with a happy hour after the kids go to bed because we've made it half way through the week. We have earned it!
Simple & Fun Potty Training!
We make potty training simple & fun! Our super simple, all-in-one, eco-friendly pottry training solution is like nothing else on the market. Check out our Kickstarter page to learn more! Let’s get this potty started! ®
Is Potty Training At 3 Years Old The New Normal?
Just think of all of those disposables that take 200 years or more EACH for all of those years. Why were kids potty trained by 2 years old 50 years ago? Because they could "feel the wet" in their cloth diapers. BottomZz Up let's kids feel wet without getting anything else wet so that you can be consistent and your little one can learn to potty train faster with less toxic exposure and less landfill waste. Hooray! Let's get this potty started!
Potty Training Tip #4: Reward Your Tot When They Use the Pot!
Kids love stickers! Hang the reward chart in your bathroom, send your kiddo to the potty periodically, & give them a sticker for every effort. Celebrating their victory in little ways will help encourage them to continue their hard work. So no need to go out & buy a bunch of plastic toys, stickers will do the trick!
Pinot & Potty Training
Motherhood without coffee or wine? That's just non-sense! Share this if you need a little help getting going and a little help winding down as a mom. We are definitely big believers in making sure that we are doing our best and feeling our best as moms and sometimes that means a little liquid support!
Potty Training Tip #3: Be Mindful of Toilet Paper!
Tip #3 for Green potty training success: Teach toddlers to be mindful of toilet paper. You only need a few squares for each swipe of the bottom. Be mindful of waste in all of its forms and help teach your little one to know how much is enough, too! Some parents put a line of tape or a sticker on the wall to show how far down to pull the paper before tearing it off. We love that tip!
Potty Training Tip #2: Use the Toilet
Green potty training tip #2: Use the toilet, not a separate potty training seat. Why make yourself have to potty train twice?
Parents Say the Darndest Things
We thought this quote was hilarious. "We don't eat things that we find under the couch!"
What is something you, “apparently say now?” Comment with us below…we could all use a good laugh!